Pure Leaf believes that saying “No is Beautiful,”
both when brewing iced tea and in life. In tea, that means saying “no” to artificial flavors, tea powders, and concentrate,  and to anything that doesn't make Pure Leaf iced tea taste better.

In life, "No Is Beautiful" aims to inspire women to say "no" to things in their lives that don’t serve them, to make more room to "yes" to the things that are most important to them.

That’s why Pure Leaf has partnered with The Fair Play Method Facilitators to give you NO COACHES—that’s right…coaches who will TEACH you how to say NO.

Sign up for a free 1-hour coaching course brought to you by Pure Leaf

What you will learn in your session:
1. How to give yourself permission to say no
2. How to successfully set and hold your boundaries
3. How to ask for support
4. How to create time for yourself
Check out our facilitators

Say NO with Eve Rodsky, Author of Fair Play

Sessions are limited and provided on a first-come, first-serve basis. No purchase necessary to sign up. Up to $300 of free coaching, provided to you for free courtesy of Pure Leaf. In the event that you cannot make it to your scheduled session, you will have one opportunity to reschedule within a reasonable timeframe. After such time, you forfeit your right to a session.

Only one submission per person. Must be a resident of the contiguous United States to participate. Must be 18 years or older to participate. The “NO Coaches” are independent contractors.

Coaching and Not Therapy: Coaching is not therapy. It is not psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or substance abuse treatment. Therapy addresses past events and how these events may be affecting you in the present. Coaching addresses the present and future and recommends certain actions to reach your stated goals in your business or personal life. These recommendations are based on the coach’s knowledge, experience, and expertise.

Valuing unpaid time, fostering more fairness & inspiring individual fulfillment. ⤵
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